aA Font for Safari Extension


Surf your favorite websites with clarity.

Tweak Font Sizes

Set your preferred minimum font size. The extension will update the text size on Safari.

Override Font family

Websites will use your preferred font when rendering text. No more font surprises!

Change text color

Update the color of html text. Make it red or pink

Tweak line heights, weight and kerning ( pro )

Automatically updates Safari text upon website visit. You can also change the line height, font weight and kerning of text.

iCloud Support

Font size settings will be sync to all your iCloud devices.

Change App icon and appearance

Don't like my color choice, choose from a list of different colors.

No Tracking

Respects your privacy. It will never add tracking

Dark mode

Supports dark mode out of the box

Dyslexia fonts

Support for fonts that improve readability